I have already removed the stiffener from the frame, the pitman arm from the bottom of the steering box, the three bolts holding the box to the frame. The question is, do I remove the box from the top or bottom< To remocv it from the top I presume I will have to remove the power brake booster (I have already removed the master cylinder), remove the bolts holding the engine to the motor mount, then jack up the engine to allow sufficient clearance to get it out.
It has the allen screw and collar which I have been able to removeafter a lot of effort. I have been struggling to remove the steering box from my January 62 build coupe. The bump stop installed onto the firewall is also something that was used in 62, it was to address a issue of to much movement from the engine.
The allen setscrew is installed into a collar which is installed overtop of the splined coupler where the shaft is pined into the coupler with a split roll pin, loosen the setscrew move the coupler and drive the roll pin out then you should be able to remove the box. The 62 did not have a rag joint it came in in late 62 /63 production.